Track Day Home Page
We are running a track half-day at Cadwell Park on the morning of Saturday 19th November 2022 (the day before the Special Stage Rally).
Outline timetable:
7:30-8:30 Registration in Club House and Noise Testing
8:30-9:00 Drivers' Briefing from instructor, Brian Svenson
9:00-13:00 Open Pit Lane
We can take a maximum of 55 cars with 31 on the track at any one time.
Passengers (aged 14 and over) are allowed.
Advance booking is required - please fill in the
application form.
£80 for one driver,
£20 for each additional driver,
£10 for each passenger.
All payments should be made by a transfer to our bank (account type Business, account name "North Humberside Motor Club Ltd", sort code 40-22-13, account number 11386506) giving the driver's surname and initial as the reference.
Note that you cannot edit your application once submitted - if you need to add or change the details or add or remove passemgers or additional drivers please contact us.